Tuesday, 20 August 2013

4 Top Secrets in Personal Training to Get Fit

man with a ripped, cut body and six pack abs
The individual needs and goals of each person vary when it comes to personal training and becoming fit. Further, the approaches of different personal trainers are also distinctly separate. There is no single formula in personal fitness training. The following 4 secrets in personal training should give you an idea of how you can devise your own strategies in your effort to become fit and muscular.
1. Doing Pull-Ups
The ideal method in improving pull-ups is not to concentrate on exact sets of pull-outs such as 5 sets or 10 sets. You can practise as much as you can until you begin to feel uncomfortable. When you stop the pull-ups, you should feel that you cannot do even just one more rep. You should focus on maintaining a light bend in the elbows and driving them to the ground, keeping the rest of the body completely still.
2. Cheat Meals
Next secret is to create weekly cheat meals for dieting. When you know that you can cheat on what you eat once in a while, you will tend to eat clean most of the time. Cheat meal is a very good thing from the psychological point of view, since this will reset the levels of leptin, a hormone that burns fat, when they fall low from excessive dieting. Further, the anticipation of the cheat meal will keep the body guessing. You should eat to provide adequate fuel to the body but have control over the cheat meal, with just one cheat meal in a week.
3. Define Your Physical Training Goals
You should be clear about your objectives and goals in physical training, whether you wish to build muscle, lose weight or get more energy. The motivation for each one is different and physical training is not just physical exercises but also a strong mental exercise. You can achieve these goals even without going to gym but by taking up good outdoor activities. Still, regular exercising in a gym keeps you motivated, especially when you see others work out along with you.
4. Ideal Exercise to Build Back Muscles
If you wish to build strong back muscles, you can do either T-bar rows or pull-ups. You can strengthen all the muscles in your back with pull-ups, if you vary them with wide grip, close grip, reverse grip, etc. Since pull-ups target the width, density and girth of the back muscles, pull-ups are better than T-bar rows. However, it is advisable to combine both for maximum effect in strengthening the back muscles.
For optimal physical training, you should define specific goals, do regular pull-ups and also have weekly cheat meals. You can train under a specialist physical training Essendon expert.


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